National Union Fire Insurance Company
Product Overview
Many people prefer to acquire fire insurance from a specialist at the National Union Fire Insurance Company because, while they also offer other kinds of insurance, they specialize in fire insurance and homeowners insurance that includes fire insurance coverage riders, or supplemental fire insurance for customers who have homeowners insurance already but would prefer to have better fire insurance protection included in case they need it.
What fire insurance covers
Fire insurance includes coverage for all aspects of an accidental fire including the repair or replacement of your possessions, your home, landmarks on your property and ancillary expenses like cleaning services or necessary hotel stays. Coverage does not include foul play or intentional fires of any kind.
Benefits of Fire Insurance
You go out for the evening with family and friends to celebrate a birthday, and the only fire on your mind are the candles burning on the birthday cake. Then you return home and see a blazing fire, a house full of smoke and suddenly the very first thing you think about is “Do I have insurance to cover this?!” The time to get fire insurance is before you are faced with a house fire. The benefits are simple peace of mind and financial security.
Customer Satisfaction Rating
No Longer in service.
Financial Stability Rating
The National Union Fire Insurance Company of Pittsburgh failed during the economic downturn of 2008. The company continued operation into 2009, and was bought by the Chartis Group, a holding company belonging to AIG Insurance. In October of 2011, the National Union Fire Insurance Company of Pittsburgh ceased operations, as part of AIG. The company is still listed as a subsidiary.